1 – Give your eyes a break
Our eyes are able to focus on near objects due to a process called accommodation where the muscles inside the eye work to change the shape of the lens and focus an object sharply on the retina. Naturally if we are focusing up close for long periods of time, these muscles will take strain.
Take a few steps away from your PC and look in the distance. This helps the muscles inside the eyes to relax as your eyes focus in the distance. Take regular breaks during the day, but not by staring at your phone screen!
2 – Use eye drops
Staring at digital screens reduces the rate at which we blink. Blinking stimulates tear flow which keeps the surface of the eyes lubricated so reduced blinking can result in dry eye syndrome with symptoms of burning and grittiness. Mullers Optometrists keep a wide range of lubricants in stock and we can suggest the best one for you to use.
3 – Have an eye examination
Our constant use of digital screens places a huge demand on our visual systems. Strain is increased if a spectacle prescription is needed and even if you have great vision. We have options available to alleviate eye strain caused by digital devices.
Modern light sources emit more blue light than we’ve ever experienced before. Many people find this light unpleasant and stressful because it adversely impacts our biorhythms and may even be dangerous for our eyes. A blue light filter in spectacle lenses such as the Zeiss DVP BlueProtect can provide you with more comfortable vision and less strain.